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12% OFF for Cat Carrier
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Happy & Polly is a heartfelt pet lifestyle brand born from a shared passion for feline companionship. Founded by a team of devoted pet lovers, their story began in 2020 when they rescued Flora, a drenched stray kitten after a storm. From nurturing her into a thriving, sassy cat with three “boyfriends” and a penchant for chicken theft, Flora became their muse. Today, every product they offer—from cozy beds to engaging toys—earns the playful “Flora Paw-roved” seal of approval.
Driven by their philosophy that pets and humans thrive on mutual love, Happy & Polly fosters a vibrant community for cat enthusiasts. They prioritize pets’ physical and emotional well-being, curating high-quality, comfort-focused items while collaborating with trusted suppliers.
More than a brand, Happy & Polly celebrates the irreplaceable bond between pets and their humans. By blending functionality with whimsy, they invite cat owners worldwide to join their mission: creating joy, comfort, and connection—one purr at a time. Explore their thoughtfully crafted collections at
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