Below you can find the latest Backfire Boards coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes. Save money for electric skateboards and accessories.
If you are interested in buying from with discount price, come back regularly to see if any Backfire Boards coupon code is available!
$100 OFF for Backfire Nalu Electric Surf Skate
Get $100 off for Backfire Nalu Electric Surf Skate at
Backfire is a leading electric skateboard company. Backfire has always been committed to developing high-performance electric skateboards to bring a smoother and better skating experience to skateboarders around the world.
In 2012, Backfire invented its first electric skateboard. In 2013, Backfire introduced its G1 electric skateboard to the world. However, Backfire is never satisfied and believes that electric skateboards can still be improved. In 2017, the Backfire G2 electric skateboard came to the world, with better industrial design, better quality, and stronger power.
For more information, please visit
Act now to save with “Backfire20” promo code in the Spring Super Sale!
Time is of the essence in the final stages of the Backfire Spring Super Sale. The sale will be concluding at the end of this month, so it’s crucial to act now and make the most of this opportunity. Don’t miss out on the exclusive “Backfire20” promo code, which gives you an extra $20 off storewide, on top of the existing discount of up to $350.
Due to the limited-time nature of the Backfire Spring Super Sale, users need to grab the deal before it’s too late. Users can get a premium Backfire electric skateboard for an enhanced riding experience at an unbeatable price.
Best selling products:
• Backfire Zealot S2 – Save $100 off
• Backfire Zealot X – Save $100 off
• Backfire Zealot V – Save $100 off
• Backfire G3 Black 2023 – Save $80 off
• Backfire Ranger X5 – New Release – AT esk8 – Save $100 off
As we step into Spring, get ready to embrace outdoor adventures with Backfire Skateboards. Be among the first to take advantage of the Backfire Spring Sale offering discounts of up to $350.
Top recommended sellers:
• Backfire Zealot S2: Now $749, originally $849
• Backfire Zealot X: Now $1099, originally $1199
• Backfire Zealot V: Now $549, originally $649
• Backfire G2 Black 2023: Now $349, originally $429
Moreover, by using the coupon code “Backfire20,” you can save an extra $20 sitewide.