Coupon codes are applied very extensively nowadays, especially in online shopping. Just simply by entering the coupon code at checkout, a buyer can instantly get a certain discount on the order. For buyers, coupon codes with different face values are a great way to save money. As a result, a good number of regular shoppers tend to search for coupon codes before they place an order with some store. If you have such a habit, you are obviously not alone.
Among all famed China-based online shopping stores, two websites stand out in terms of the frequency of coupon offering: and Some of their coupon offers are advertised on the inserted banners underneath the header section of the homepages while some are sent to their potential clients by newsletter or promotional email. Still, coupon codes are not as frequently issued by the two companies as other types of promotions are. So, when shopping from Lightinthebox or Milanoo, chances of saving cost with coupon codes are comparatively rare. Once you get the chance, never miss it out. Continue reading Find Coupon Codes before Placing An Order