Founded in 2004, is a factory-direct China shopping store for all kinds of consumer electronics. Based in Hong Kong, its customers cover the majority of countries or regions around the world. Anyway, it seems that the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are its biggest customer sources—it puts the three countries on the top of the drop-down menu of the “country” section on its checkout page.
Wholesale or Retail?
Basically, my research indicates that focuses on retail business rather than wholesale business. Unlike other China shopping companies such as Lightinthebox and DavisMicro, Uxcell does not show its priority on giving lower prices on bigger orders. When you add an item there into your shopping cart, you won’t see any price difference shown there for different sizes of orders. But we have to admit that the prices Uxcell offers are already very low. For example, a TV remote control sports watch is priced at US$8.99 only. After all, its products all come from factories directly and there prices must be very competitive. Given this, though it is not a traditional wholesale website, I believe it is still a good store to buy in bulk for one’s inventory. Continue reading Uxcell Review: Factory-Direct China Shopping Store for Consumer Electronics