Below you can find the latest CCleaner coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes. Save money for the number-one tool for cleaning your PC.
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20% OFF for CCleaner Professional & CCleaner Premium
Get 20% off for CCleaner Professional & CCleaner Premium at
$55 OFF for CCleaner Professional Plus
Get $55 off for CCleaner Professional Plus at
$15 OFF for CCleaner Professional
Get $15 off for CCleaner Professional at
50% OFF for CCleaner Cloud
Get 50% off for CCleaner Cloud at
20% OFF for CCleaner products
Get 20% off for CCleaner products at
20% OFF for CCleaner Kamo
Get 20% off for CCleaner Kamo at
20% OFF for CCleaner Pro Plus
Get 20% off for CCleaner Pro Plus at
20% OFF for CCleaner for Mac
Get 20% off for CCleaner for Mac at
Clean and well-maintained computers work better, are safer to use, and last longer – but not everyone has the time or technical knowledge required to look after their PC. That’s why CCleaner was developed. Launched in 2004, it began as a tool for advanced PC users to keep their home computer clean, optimized and maintained. Over 2.5 billion downloads later, it now reaches a much wider audience and has evolved to meet the changing expectations of its users.
Today, CCleaner is a portfolio of desktop and mobile tools on PC, Mac, and Android, for consumers and businesses, and has been downloaded in every country worldwide.
As well as the flagship CCleaner, which makes PC, Mac and Android devices clean, safe and run fast, CCleaner also offers Defraggler which defragments hard drives, Speccy which delivers PC insight and Recuva which recovers lost or deleted files.
For more information, please visit
CCleaner Spring Sale is on!
Start: March 13, 2024
End: March 31, 2024
Get up to 50% off on CCleaner Professional & CCleaner Professional Plus.
**First year offer. Valid until March 13, 2024**
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