If you are looking for factory-direct cell phones, you should really check out the Factory-Direct Cell Phone Sales zone at BrandsDragon.com. There you can find a vast array of made-in-China cell phones at discounted manufacturer prices, ranging from $24 USD to $162 USD.
Most of the factory-direct cell phones there do not require minimum order quantity while some of them require a MOQ of 5 pieces only. The cell phones come in various models and functions, capable of fitting tastes of different groups of people, from the old to the young, from men to women. As long as you are patient enough, you will definitely find a desired cell phone that matches all your requirements from the selection.
Each of the cell phones is empowered with a range of features that will meet the tastes and the needs of different mobile phone users. For example, there you can find quad-band cell phones, dual-SIM cell phones, JAVA cell phones, touch screen cell phones, Bluetooth cell phones, Windows mobile phones, Wi-Fi cell phones, QWERTY keypad cell phones, to name just a few. Among all, the best-selling factory-direct cell phones at BrandsDragon are those equipped with a combination of the most popular features such as Wi-Fi, touch screen, JAVA, FM radio, Bluetooth, etc. Offered at can’t-be-lower factory wholesale prices, these cell phones are great for re-sell business and will bring huge margins to re-sellers.
Visit the Factory-Direct Cell Phone Sales zone >>
About BrandsDragon
Deriving from the brand DavisMicro, BrandsDragon.com is a premier online supplier of wholesale electronics, including cell phones & accessories, computer & networking, electronic gadgets and much more. The company is based in Shenzhen, the bustling metropolis near Hong Kong and home to the world’s biggest number of cell phone manufactures. For more details about the wholesale electronic supplier, please read BrandsDragon Review.