Below you can find the latest FitVille coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes. Save money for comfortable sneakers, walking shoes, running shoes, tennis shoes, hiking boots and more.
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According to a survey of the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, nowadays more than 60% of people were wearing shoes that did not accommodate either width or length dimensions of their feet. Therefore selecting footwear that fits correctly is crucial for day to day wear, choosing properly fitting shoes for exercise is perhaps even more important.
FitVille believes in the power of a good pair of footwear to change life and the right to live pain free. FitVille envisions to help everyone enjoy a healthy lifestyle while adhering to three core concepts: therapeutic, comfort, and support technology.
FitVille is a pioneer for better footwear solutions as FitVille is innovation-inspired. Comfort+™, PropelCore™, and ErgoFit™ are FitVille’s major technologies. FitVille will expand its product categories to more than athletic shoes and apply the technologies into all products.
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