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10% OFF for Fluentalk T1 Mini Handheld Translator Device
Get 10% off for Fluentalk T1 Mini Handheld Translator Device at
Fluentalk is a sub-brand of Timekettle(founded in 2016). Founded in 2022, Fluentalk is mainly specialized in the research and development of handheld translators to meet more people’s translation needs. Fluentalk is committed to creating accurate, reliable, and affordable handheld translator products that solve people’s needs to communicate in different languages during their travels. As another masterpiece designed and developed by Timekettle team, Fluentalk T1 will always enable you to talk fluently with anyone you meet.
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Fluentalk T1 is Timekettle first generation of instant handheld language translator.
Fluentalk T1 features:
95% accuracy in 40 languages and 93 accents
Offline translation for 8 languages
Complimentary 2-year cellular data plan
Image translation with 4-inch ultra-clear HD screen
Innovative customized greeting sentences