Below you can find the latest Green Chef coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes. Save money for healthy and organic meal kit.
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50% OFF for Your 1st Box(+Free Salads for Two Months)
As the first USDA and gluten-free certified meal kit company on the market, Green Chef serves more organic ingredients than any other company in the industry.
Green Chef has become known for being able to deliver on the specialty meal plans that customers are seeking; whether it’s Paleo, Vegan, Keto or Gluten-Free, Green Chef is the service for those with discerning lifestyles.
More about Green Chef:
- Each kit contains 3 dinners for 2 or 4 people
- Organic ingredients in every meal that have no GMOs, synthetic pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones, or steroids
- All ingredients are pre-portioned and many are pre-prepped; including pre-chopped items and Green Chef signature sauces, marinades, and spice mixes
- Recipe cards with step-by-step instructions, chef tips, and photos
- Thoughtful packaging that is 100% compostable or recyclable
For more information, please visit