Below you can find the latest Hookii coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes. Save money for robotic lawn mowers.
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12% OFF for Neomow X Robotic Lawn Mower
Get 12% off for Neomow X Robotic Lawn Mower at
12% OFF for Neomow X Pro
Get 12% off for Neomow X Pro at
In 2022, a team of experts with a background of more than 10 years in the service robotics industry founded the Hookii with the dream of bringing cutting-edge robotics into everyday life. Having landed hundreds of projects over the past decade, the team strongly believes that robotics should not be limited to the professional field, but should be popularised in every home to make people’s lives more convenient.
Hookii’s vision is to become the world’s leading artificial intelligence company. In the Hookii team, the product is higher than the technology itself. Hookii arms its products with advanced technology, focuses on every detail, and show its persistent attitude towards the industrialization of robotics by warming up the customer experience and doing things in a down-to-earth way.
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