Below you can find the latest Intego coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes. Save money for Mac security and antivirus software for Mac OS X and more.
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60% OFF for Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9
Get 60% off for Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9 at
60% OFF for Intego Washing Machine X9
Get 60% off for Intego Washing Machine X9 at
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50% OFF for Intego Antivirus Premium Windows Protection
Get 50% off for Intego Antivirus Premium Windows Protection at
60% OFF for ContentBarrier X9 - The Best Mac Parental Control
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50% OFF for Mac Internet Security X9
Intego provides Internet security and Mac antivirus software to protect Macs from network threats, viruses, Trojan horses and all other malware. While makers of Windows antivirus have recently entered the Mac market, only Intego has been protecting Macs exclusively since 1997.
Intego protects only Apple products: Macs and iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod touch). No other security software company can devote all its time and resources to the specific problems that affect Macs and iOS devices.
Intego’s Malware Research Team is made up of security experts who are also Mac experts. Understanding malware on Macs requires an in-depth knowledge of Mac OS X, and Intego’s researchers know all of the ins and outs of this operating system, as well as the specificities of Mac hardware that malware can exploit.
The Intego Malware Research Team works 24/7 to spot new Mac malware as soon as it starts circulating. Intego’s malware researchers are the best in the business; that’s why Intego generally discovers and blocks new Mac malware before any other company.
All of Intego’s programs are fully optimized for macOS Sierra and won’t slow down your Mac. Intego’s Mac antivirus never needs to be deactivated when you install other programs, unlike some Mac anti-malware software. All of Intego’s technicians are Mac specialists, and they offer free technical support by phone and e-mail.
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