Below you can find the latest Itead coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes. Save money for development platform, PCB prototype, Arduino and more.
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15% OFF for SONOFF Zigbee Water Leak Sensor SNZB-05P (5 items)
Get 15% off for SONOFF Zigbee Water Leak Sensor SNZB-05P (5 items) at
10% OFF for 2 NEXTION Smart Display
Get 10% off for 2 NEXTION Smart Display at
15% OFF for SONOFF Zigbee Smart Water Valve (5 items)
Get 15% off for SONOFF Zigbee Smart Water Valve (5 items) at
$30 OFF $199+ for NEXTION HMI displays
Get $30 off for NEXTION HMI displays on orders over $199 at
12% OFF for SONOFF Micro Zigbee USB Smart Adaptor (5 items)
Get 12% off for SONOFF Micro Zigbee USB Smart Adaptor (5 items) at
15% OFF for Zigbee Devices(w/ Buy ZBBridge-U)
Get 15% off for Zigbee Devices(w/ Buy ZBBridge-U) at
10% OFF for POW Ring Smart Power Meter POWCT (2 items)
Get 10% off for POW Ring Smart Power Meter POWCT (2 items) at
10% OFF for SONOFF SwitchMan Zigbee Smart Wall Switch ZBM5
Get 10% off for SONOFF SwitchMan Zigbee Smart Wall Switch ZBM5 at
8% OFF for any NEXTION Products
Get 8% off for any NEXTION Products at
10% OFF for 2 of SONOFF BBQ Meat Thermometer BMT01
Get 10% off for 2 of SONOFF BBQ Meat Thermometer BMT01 at
10% OFF for CAM Slim Gen2 Smart Home Security Camera (2 items)
Get 10% off for CAM Slim Gen2 Smart Home Security Camera (2 items) at
$20 OFF $199+ for NEXTION HMI Displays
Get $20 off for NEXTION HMI Displays on orders over $199 at
10% OFF for SONOFF Zigbee Wireless Switch SNZB-01P(2 items)
Get 10% off for SONOFF Zigbee Wireless Switch SNZB-01P(2 items) at
8% OFF for SONOFF Waterproof Box R2
Get 8% off for SONOFF Waterproof Box R2 at
8% OFF for SONOFF Zigbee Thermostatic Radiator Valve
Get 8% off for SONOFF Zigbee Thermostatic Radiator Valve at
10% OFF $69+ for SONOFF Smart Home
Get 10% off for SONOFF Smart Home on orders over $69 at
10% OFF for SONOFF Waterproof Box R2 (2 items)
Get 10% off for SONOFF Waterproof Box R2 (2 items) at
10% OFF for 2 SONOFF Smart Devices
Get 10% off for 2 SONOFF Smart Devices at
10% OFF for Other SONOFF Items (w/ SONOFF NSPanel Pro)
Get 10% off for Other SONOFF Items (w/ SONOFF NSPanel Pro) at
10% OFF for S-MATE Extreme Switch Mate (2 items)
Get 10% off for S-MATE Extreme Switch Mate (2 items) at
10% OFF for SONOFF TX Ultimate smart wall switch (2 items)
Get 10% off for SONOFF TX Ultimate smart wall switch (2 items) at
8% OFF for SONOFF Zigbee Temperature and Humidity Sensor SNZB-02P
Get 8% off for SONOFF Zigbee Temperature and Humidity Sensor SNZB-02P at
15% OFF for 6 SONOFF Smart Home Devices
Get 15% off for 6 SONOFF Smart Home Devices at
10% OFF for SONOFF MINI Extreme Wi-Fi Smart Switch (Matter-enabled) (2 items)
Get 10% off for SONOFF MINI Extreme Wi-Fi Smart Switch (Matter-enabled) (2 items) at
8% OFF for SONOFF Zigbee Wireless Switch SNZB-01P
Get 8% off for SONOFF Zigbee Wireless Switch SNZB-01P at
15% OFF for SONOFF Zigbee Smart Curtain Motor
Get 15% off for SONOFF Zigbee Smart Curtain Motor at
10% OFF for ZBMINI Extreme Zigbee Smart Switch ZBMINIR2 (2 items)
Get 10% off for ZBMINI Extreme Zigbee Smart Switch ZBMINIR2 (2 items) at
12% OFF for 4 SONOFF Smart Home Devices
Get 12% off for 4 SONOFF Smart Home Devices at
10% OFF for SONOFF SNZB-02D Zigbee Sensor (2 items)
Get 10% off for SONOFF SNZB-02D Zigbee Sensor (2 items) at
Founded in 2011, Itead is one of leading company of smart home solution. ITEAD has its own development base and product base, which means first hand innovative and popular products at factory price. ITEAD is specialized in smart home solution, including smart adapter, smart lamp base, small home appliance intelligent adapter, which one can control from smart phones even when one is not home. ITEAD is also dedicated in open source software / hardware developing. ITEAD has every compatible price at Raspberry Pi series and quad quadcopter core hardware, which would allow one to build a quadcopter or other project from scratch.
For more information, please visit
SONOFF Mid-Year Promotion
30% off SONOFF NSPanel Pro smart home scene switch, extra 12% off on order over $89 (using code SAVE12FS), free standard shipping and free gift.
30% off SONOFF NSPanel Pro smart home scene switch, extra 15% off on order over $159 (using code SAVE15FS), free standard shipping and free gift.
15% off SONOFF iHost smart home hub, extra 12% off on order over $89 (using code SAVE12FS), free standard shipping and free gift.
15% off SONOFF iHost smart home hub, extra 15% off on order over $159 (using code SAVE15FS), free standard shipping and free gift.
Using code “SAVE10” to get 10% off on order over $59 SONOFF site-wide smart home devices, extra free standard shipping and free gift.
Using code “SAVE12FS” to get 12% off on order over $89 SONOFF site-wide smart home devices, extra free standard shipping and free gift.
Using code “SAVE15FS” to get 15% off on order over $159 SONOFF site-wide smart home devices, extra free standard shipping and free gift.
Buy 2 get 10% off NEXTION site-wide HMI smart displays, extra $20 off using the code “NEXTION20” on order over $199.
Valid until August 31, 2023