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20% OFF for FusionDock Pro 1+
Get 20% off for FusionDock Pro 1+ at
$30 OFF for FusionDock 1+
Get $30 off for FusionDock 1+ at
$60 OFF for FusionDock Max 1
Get $60 off for FusionDock Max 1 at
iVANKY has more than 6 years of experience in producing high-quality audio and video products. Its latest product is a MacBook docking station. The iVANKY docking station is a versatile and capable little dock for a specific range of Mac laptops. The capability to run two 4K monitors at 60Hz refresh rate, makes it particularly suitable for power users who need high-performance for video editing or Photoshop use. The iVANKY MacBook docking station is a compelling option for folks not looking to drop a fortune for a Thunderbolt solution and require speedy power pass through and extensive video connectivity.
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