Below you can find the latest Lamtto coupon codes, discounts and promotion codes. Save money for CarPlay screen and dash cam.
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Up to 22% OFF for Motorcycle Smart Screen
Get up to 22% off for Motorcycle Smart Screen at
Up to 40% OFF for Lamtto RC14
Get up to 40% off for Lamtto RC14 at
Lamtto is committed to providing you with a reliable, enjoyable and intelligent driving experience. In 2020, Lamtto launched and upgraded Carplay with a dashcam. Lamtto continued to innovate, offering users even more options. In 2024, they introduced the latest Carplay system, featuring a 4K Dash Camera for high-quality driving footage. Additionally, Lamtto developed a Carplay system specifically designed for motorcycles, allowing motorcycle enthusiasts to enjoy the convenience and pleasure of seamless connectivity. Lamtto will continue to innovate, meeting the diverse needs of different regions and markets, and offering users greater convenience and intelligent driving experiences.
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