The first time I saw this LCD screen film scanner on the China wholesale electronics store, I was completely shocked by its amazing functions. The novelty electronic gadget can turn slides and films into JPEG files. By doing so, you can help your parents or grandparents share the old photos with the younger generations. For librarians or teachers, it enables them to display the slides or images on computers and carry around more easily.
The LCD screen film scanners are a standalone product that can save the scanned images into a SD card. No computers are needed for the scanning and saving process. The device is easy to operate too. Just put the film or slide in the appropriate tray and insert the SD card into the machine, then slide the tray into the tray lot until the LCD viewscreen displays a full image to your liking. Finally, click the “save” button and the image will be stored as a JEPG file onto the SD card.
In general, an 8GB SD card can store about 3,200 photos scanned by the gadget. As the LCD screen film scanner supports up to 16GB SDHC, one SD card is able to keep 6,400 photos. You never need to worry that you have too many slides or films to scan and save – just use another SD card after the previous one is full. In this way, you can save countless images transformed from films or slides as you like.
More specifications about the LCD screen film scanners >>
Images courtesy of ChinaVasion