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$200 OFF for Ninebot KickScooter MAX G30LP
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$200 OFF for Segway GoKart Kit2
Get $200 off for Segway GoKart Kit2 at
$500 OFF for Segway eKickScooter MAX G3
Get $500 off for Segway eKickScooter MAX G3 at
$30 OFF for Segway eKickScooter ZT3 Pro
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$30 OFF for Segway Xyber Electric Bike
Get $30 off for Segway Xyber Electric Bike at
Segway-Ninebot is a global enterprise in the fields of intelligent short-distance transportation and service robots. In 1999, Segway was established in Bedford NH, US, which is the world leader in commercial-grade, electric, self-balancing personal transportation. Ninebot is an intelligent short-distance transportation equipment operator integrating R&D, production, sales, and service, established in Beijing, 2012. As Segway and Ninebot completed a strategic combination in 2015, Segway-Ninebot came into being. At Present, the company’s businesses are all around the world and have subsidiaries in Beijing, Seattle, Bedford, Amsterdam, Seoul, Singapore, Munich, Changzhou, and Tianjin, selling products in more than 80 countries and regions. With the world-renowned intellectual property, Segway-Ninebot will create more products that will lead the users and the entire industry into the future.
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